John Doe
Issue(s): Affordability
QAffordability is discussed a lot in our community. How do you define affordability?
Affordability is the ability to reasonably make ends meet in our community. The city can help in two ways: either …
More >>Issue(s): Economic Opportunity
QWhich bond Propositions on the November 2018 ballot do you support or not support? Check each that you support. Briefly explain your position.
Prop A Prop B Prop C Prop E Prop F Prop G Prop H Prop I I support all of …
More >>Issue(s): Economic Opportunity
QDo you support a budget at the effective tax rate so home and business owners continue to benefit from the “growth dividend” and pay the same amount in property taxes as in the previous fiscal year? How do we balance this strategy with meeting the needs of people struggling to access services due to a lack of service capacity? How do you prioritize additional funding? Where would you look for efficiencies? (Y/N; Explain)
No. The effective rate, generating the same revenue as in the prior year, does not allow for increases in health …
More >>Issue(s): Land Use
QAs you know, the City unsuccessfully tried to change the code, what do you believe needs to be done differently to achieve a better code? Will you support working to revise the land development code to provide and allow for predictability and deep affordability? (Y/N; Explain)
Yes. Yes. We need a better process that will engender more trust in the community. I’m not sure what that …
More >>Issue(s): Land Use, Open Government
QWould you support a policy requiring the City’s Development Services department to achieve its goal of 90% permit review completion within 15 business days across all departments/disciplines by April 2019? (Y/N/Explain)
Yes. The budget adds significantly to the staff resources to deliver timely review. It is important to have our goal …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability
QDo you support maintaining affordable utility costs across Austin Energy and Austin Water that adheres strictly to the City’s affordability goals for Austin Energy, which require AustinEnergy rates to be in the bottom half of Texas ratepayers and minimizes increases to two percent per year for each rate class? (Y/N Explain)
Yes, And the 10/1 City Council was the first in recent memory to lower Austin Energy rates (following a rate making …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability
QSolutions to homelessness exist – they require scaling up social services and housing programs, including the pathways from shelter to housing. To date, Austin has not identified adequate funding to address this challenge. How would you work to identify the funding needed?
I have worked hard to find such dedicated funding streams. The “downtown puzzle,” associated with a convention center expansion, would …
More >>Issue(s): Open Government
QWhat is your collaborative vision when working with other governmental entities (Travis County, State of Texas, Central Health, etc.)?
To an ever-increasing degree, the challenges for the City of Austin are regional in nature and real solutions will require …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability
QMany low-income families and persons experiencing homelessness have debt to the utility companies, which are now barriers to their ability to securing housing. Would you support increasing debt forgiveness programs for 3-4 years to help more people access housing? (Y/N/Explain)
There are some legal limitations to debt forgiveness by our utilities, but we need to be maximizing every opportunity and …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Housing
QCouncil adopted the Strategic Housing Blueprint last year, calling for 13,500 new units annually over 10 years. This gets us to break-even in terms of need. Would you support amending the City’s proposed Strategic Housing Plan to increase the number to at least 15,000 housing units per year for 10 years, keeping the breakout across income levels and including permanent supportive housing for those chronically experiencing homelessness? (Y/N; Explain)
No. Not at this point. We achieved a good political and practical balance in passing the blueprint, sufficient for our …
More >>Issue(s): Innovation
QAustin has long since been perceived as a town of creative innovators. Given the City’s recent regulatory attempts with the sharing and gig economy (Uber, AirBnB, Scooters), what is your position on how the City should handle emerging technologies and emerging markets? What is your view, generally, on the conflict between consumer demands and government interests? Similarly, when non-profits secure grant funding for innovative social solutions that requires a local match, what is your view on city funding being available for the match?
I support and have supported innovative solutions for all sorts of municipal issues and problems. Austin is a city of …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Land Use
QIn a recent poll, residents of Austin cited rising property taxes as a major issue they face, iconic business are having to close their doors and longtime residents are moving out citing rising property taxes. Some have also cited homelessness as an impediment to business. How would you slow or stop the increase in City property taxes, encourage other taxing entities to do the same, and balance the requests for more funding coming from the City Departments and the public? One example of the request of more funding is to expand social service contracts to meet needs, including to provide more supportive housing programs. How do you balance less taxes and increased demand for social services? Please explain.
See the above answer to No. 8 for the answer to some of the elements of this question. If we …
More >>Issue(s): Diversity & Inclusion
QAustin has experienced growth but some constituencies have been left behind. What is your vision for the City’s role in funding/supporting the nonprofit network that provide much needed social services? What is your plan for addressing disparities and inequities in our community?
The City can play a large role in providing support and services for those most in need. We can’t do …
More >>Issue(s): Economic Opportunity, Open Government
QCouncil has passed 2 resolutions supporting an annual increase of about 2-3% for social service contracts in order to ensure that service agencies can keep up with rising costs of doing business and maintain service capacity. Would you direct the City Manager to include this annual increase in the budget for contracts meeting their performance targets? (Y/N/Explain)
Yes. Social service contracts need to be evaluated against the developing council strategic priority metrics and the associated performance targets, but …
More >>Issue(s): Diversity & Inclusion, Economic Opportunity
QOne of the best ways to make Austin more affordable is to ensure we have a diverse set of industries which provide local, skilled and the hard-to-employ talent the opportunity to compete for jobs that have a career ladder. The Austin City Council is considering adopting a revised economic incentive policy, expanding the previous one-size-fits-all policy. If the Austin Chamber of Commerce presents a company that meets the criteria for an incentive as set by City Council policy, will you vote to support incentivizing jobs for both small operators and large in our city? How will you monitor success with the provision requiring employment of the hard-to-employ?
Yes, After working on revising the city’s Chapter 380 agreement for the last several years, I’m proud the city council …
More >>Issue(s): Mobility
QHow will you coordinate with regional partners to meaningfully address our increasing traffic level? What is your long-term vision for addressing traffic in Austin, and what would be the immediate first actions you would champion as a City Council Member to address the crisis?
We need a regional vision for mass transit, and we need to do more to get people viable, efficient and …
More >>Issue(s): Mobility
QTransportation is the second highest family cost. When it is difficult to move freely around Austin, access to services and economic opportunities are limited; time spent commuting leaves less room for family obligations and socializing; and Austin becomes a more frustrating place. Do you support the items below? (Please mark each one you agree with)
Agree: Improve high-capacity transit to make it a more convenient, reliable alternative to single occupancy vehicles Support improvements for South …
More >>Issue(s): Environment, Land Use
QParkland dedication fees are one mechanism by which the city funds park acquisition and improvements. What is your stance on parkland dedication fees, and are you in favor of maintaining them during the Land Development Code updating process?
I support them and would maintain them. Our community prioritizes parks and I do, too.
More >>Issue(s): Arts & Culture, Diversity & Inclusion, Environment
QAustin Parks Foundation is continuously involved in community engagement to ensure that our projects and work align with community values and needs. What is your philosophy on community engagement, and how would you engage with the community to ensure that their needs around parks and open space are appropriately addressed?
Austin is great at community engagement, and my personal philosophy is that we should do more engagement in more ways. When …
More >>Yes. In Austin, parkland is one of our most important assets, a core value, part of our culture, and part …
More >>Issue(s): Arts & Culture, Diversity & Inclusion, Environment
QEnsuring equitable access to quality parks for all Austinites is a key priority for Austin Parks Foundation. How might you work as a decision-maker for both your district and the city as a whole to move the needle on equitable access to quality parks?
The city is making great strides on accessibility and key support comes from groups like the Austin Parks Foundation. Many …
More >>Issue(s): Arts & Culture, Environment, Public Safety
QThe City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department faces $125 million in deferred maintenance each year, ranging from playground maintenance and aquatics needs to mowing and servicing trash and recycling receptacles. What would be your strategy for addressing this need?
For too long, we’ve focused on the magnitude of the challenge, rather than concentrating on doing many meaningful things that …
More >>Zilker Park. It’s got Barton Springs, where I swam within minutes of first getting to Austin in 1978. It’s got …
More >>Issue(s): Economic Opportunity, Open Government
QWhat do you believe the role of private partners should be in maintaining and improving public parks? What actions would you take to strengthen and improve public-private partnerships?
Due to the crisis level of funding shortfalls that our park system currently experiences, I think that private partners can …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Housing
QWhere should we be allowed to build multifamily apartment buildings? Should we allow it in more places in central Austin?
I have put forth what I believe should be the solution in our city — the Austin Bargain. The Austin …
More >>Issue(s): Mobility
QWill you consult with us on appointments to the Planning Commission and Cap Metro Board of Directors?
More >>I support them because they are progressive. I would prefer a set amount (like the senior and disabled exemption) instead …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Housing
QHow would you maximize the efficacy of the $250M affordable housing bond (assume that it passes)?
We should strike quickly on the acquisition of land. It’s only going to get more expensive.
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Housing
QWhat can the city do to lower average rents or at least decrease the rate of growth of average rents?
The city can provide more funding for subsidized housing while also allowing more housing in more places. Supply and Demand …
More >>We need more homes along and near major corridors to make transit work. We can look at other ways to …
More >>First, we need to increase the effectiveness, size, and scope of our affordable housing programs. Second, we need more housing …
More >>Issue(s): Diversity & Inclusion, Social Equity
QA respected University of Texas study has found that Austin is the only high-growth city that is losing African Americans, both in terms of numbers and percentage of the total population. Do you consider this a problem? If so, what would you do to reverse or stabilize the decline?
It’s a huge problem and highlights some of the greatest challenges we face as a city. Even as the number …
More >>Issue(s):
QWhy do you identify as a Democrat?
First and foremost, I believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect. All people should have access to …
More >>Issue(s): Housing
QAffordable housing is a major problem in Austin. Large numbers of people who work in Austin cannot afford to live in Austin. Many families are moving outside the city to find affordable housing. Do you have any ideas to help create more affordable housing or to make existing housing more affordable?
Our housing crisis means we need all hands and all ideas on deck. The 10/1 Council and I are attacking …
More >>Issue(s):
QPlease share your experience and involvement in the Democratic Party in Travis County.
I have had long involvement with the Democratic Party at all levels going back nearly forty years. (I think I …
More >>Issue(s): Health & Human Services
QRising property taxes are a growing concern. There are a number of people who believe taxes are high because the city provides not only essential city services (police, fire, etc.) but non-essential services (social service contracts, education funding, etc.) If elected, how would you prioritize what is or is not an essential city service?
Social services, health and human services, education, etc., are all essential services. Just like affordable housing is city infrastructure. The …
More >>Issue(s): Criminal Justice
QAlthough Austin has remained a relatively safe city, there have been far too many shootings of African American men. What kind of changes would you institute at APD to reduce the number of officer-involved shootings and reduce the degree of mistrust that exists between the African American community and the police?
We need to change the culture at APD, and that is happening. When I took office, the APD recruiting video …
More >>Issue(s):
QWhich Democratic value speaks to you most?
Throughout my life, most of my work has been dedicated to equity, access, opportunity and justice. I began my legal …
More >>The State should provide cities with more tools, and not take away or threaten the ones that exist or which …
More >>Issue(s): Diversity & Inclusion, Education
QHow would you address the issue of declining enrollment in Austin’s schools and bridge the achievement gap across AISD?
We need to support all the school districts that are in the City (and in the region). Fight for more …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Health & Human Services, Innovation
QHow can you make healthcare more accessible and affordable to the large population of small business owners and entrepreneurs in Austin?
Evaluate opportunities to leverage or expand programs like HAAM (Health Alliance for Austin Musicians) and the work being done by …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Diversity & Inclusion, Health & Human Services
QWhat role can Austin play to improve access to affordable healthcare?
Support for enrolling folks in insurance programs. Continue the dramatically increased health, human and social service funding that have been …
More >>Issue(s): Criminal Justice, Diversity & Inclusion, Immigration
QHow would you counteract anti-immigrant sentiment to make our local communities welcoming to all?
Continue to use the mayor’s platform to communicate on this issue. Continue to adopt ordinances and resolutions that are supportive.
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Land Use
QHow would you improve access to affordable housing for both renters and owners in Austin?
Continue the 10/1 Council’s push for tenant support, legal assistance, organizing support, relocation benefits, etc., as seen both in 10/1 …
More >>Issue(s): Criminal Justice, Immigration
QAs a majority-minority state, what role do you see Austin playing in the long-term conversation around immigration and migrant rights?
I see Austin continuing its central and visible leadership on these issues, both with actual budget support and with constant …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability, Mobility
QHow do you plan to to improve access to public transportation and ensure its affordability?
The 2016 Mobility Bond will help with the investment in sidewalks, etc., and our most important corridors. We need high …
More >>Climate change is top concern. Need to act swiftly and decisively, and we have. Signed Paris Accords and committed city …
More >>Issue(s): Land Use
QExplain what important aspects of the land development code revision you support.
More housing, especially affordable housing, in commercial centers and along transit corridors. Better water quality and flood mitigation infrastructure and …
More >>Issue(s): Affordability
QWhat policies do you support to make Austin a more affordable place to live for all residents?
We need to bring down costs, esp. housing, and help people earn more. I support big investments in housing and …
More >>Issue(s): Economic Opportunity, Public Safety
QWhat is your vision for the future of Austin, and how would you achieve it?
Climate change is top concern. Need to act swiftly and decisively, and we have. Signed Paris Accords and committed city …
More >>Issue(s): Land Use, Open Government
QHow do you think the city should use technology to engage the public and share information about complex policy proposals such as Imagine Austin and CodeNext?
Austin should use technology to better engage the public on complex policy proposals, by providing greater information, education, transparency, opportunities …
More >>The City of Austin has made great strides in implementing and prioritizing its Open Government policy. The City Council’s adoption …
More >>Issue(s): Open Government
QAre you in favor of publishing lists of City Council members’ votes on actions taken by the council?
Yes. It is important to make it easier for the public to see how the City Council voted on issues …
More >>Issue(s): Diversity & Inclusion, Open Government
QMany Austin residents experience barriers to access to city services offered over the Internet. What do you see as the city’s responsibility regarding digital inclusion, and what steps would you take to address that concern?
The City of Austin has a vital responsibility to help bridge the digital divide. The challenges that come with not …
More >>Issue(s): Land Use, Open Government
QHow do you think the city should use technology to engage the public and share information about complex policy proposals such as Imagine Austin and CodeNext?
Austin should use technology to better engage the public on complex policy proposals, by providing greater information, education, transparency, opportunities …
More >>