City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Lack of healthcare and healthcare facilities are debilitating socially and economically to the people of East Austin. We believe our …
Lewis Conway Jr.

An honest conversation about property taxes must include the fact that it is Texas not paying for public education that …
Vincent Harding

I’ll refer to my previous response regarding the need for a dramatic increase in public/private sector partnerships here. Austin has …
Natasha Harper-Madison

To assist homeowners affected by increased property taxes, I will support exploring policies that prevent our families from being pushed …
Mariana Salazar

Balancing less taxes while facing increased demand is not fiscally possible. We must increase of governmental efficiencies and receive more …
Reedy Macque Spigner III
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

First and foremost we need to take a more aggressive fight to the legislature to do something about school finance. …
Justin Jacobson

Improve coordination of them (services). We have a largely private (and therefore fragmented—i.e. 6000+ nonprofits in Austin) non-profit social service …
Amit Motwani

As a Council Member, one of my most important roles is to be a good steward of tax-payer dollars. During …
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

A major reason for our high property taxes in Austin is the broken public school funding formula which needs to …
Rich DePalma

Because this question addresses the same issue above as Question 8, I will repeat the following: “Having served as a …
Bobby Levinski

We are getting taxed into oblivion. Property taxes are becoming a massive burden on so many people, especially folks in …
Frank Ward III
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

We have to live within our means and make decisions on what we can do and cannot do. We need …
Danielle Skidmore

Unfortunately, due to the system of school financing that the state has established, most of the changes in a property …
Kathie Tovo
City of Austin : Mayor

See the above answer to No. 8 for the answer to some of the elements of this question. If we …
John Doe

See the above answer to No. 8 for the answer to some of the elements of this question. If we …
Steve Adler

As must be clearly stated: We need a system that provides the most abundant social services and does not require …
Travis Duncan

The most obvious step to reducing city tax burdens is to stop giving exemptions worth hundreds of millions of dollars …
Laura Morrison

Formulating a realistic budget that provides for social services and public safety, is a matter of identifying the priorities and …