City of Austin : City Council, District 1

We can make Austin a city that working people can afford to work in, live in, and raise their children …
Lewis Conway Jr.

A community can’t thrive unless people can afford housing, transportation, healthcare, education, and childcare. There are many challenges that contribute …
Natasha Harper-Madison

The most significant action the City Council can take is to modernize the city’s housing strategies (including lands restrictions) to …
Reedy Macque Spigner III

First and foremost, it is pivotal for City of Austin voters pass the affordable housing bonds. I will seek to …
Vincent Harding
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

1. I support the entire bond package on the ballot, specifically, propositions A and E, which model investments in affordable …
Amit Motwani

Behind housing, transportation is the 2nd highest expense for most households. When we force more people to live on the …
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

First, I support the geographic dispersion of income-restricted housing, and I support using Prop A to build publicly owned and …
Bobby Levinski

Increased missing middle housing, We still don’t have safe walkable routes to school for many in Southwest Austin. I live …
Paige Ellis

Affordability is a concern for many and we need to enact a comprehensive and common-sense strategy to address the challenges. …
Rich DePalma
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

My largest priorities on Council would be Housing and Transportation. In addition to the solutions mentioned above… Housing: We need …
Danielle Skidmore

This town is so white that it is hardly even segregated. Our schools are still segregated. I’ve worked at Del …
Linda O’Neal
City of Austin : Mayor

“All Austinites deserve the opportunity to share in our city’s success. Yet too many residents have been left behind in …
Laura Morrison

“I will support policies that encourage the development and preservation of affordable housing that minimizes residents’ transportation costs and city …
Steve Adler

Our Contributionism plan gives those most in need the opportunity to receive themselves of economic burdens immediately, while building equity …