City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Absolutely. As a lifelong Austinite, that has friends and family that have forced to outer edges of Austin, I can …
Lewis Conway Jr.

First, seek to stop the displacement of African Americans out of the City of Austin and focus on affordability with …
Vincent Harding

This is absolutely a problem. We need to address Austin’s housing crisis. We can’t stem the bleed unless people can …
Natasha Harper-Madison

Losing our African American population is a significant problem for our city. Historically, District 1 residents, in particular black residents, …
Mariana Salazar
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

I consider it a crisis! Austin is just beginning to address its racist policies that has led to the displacement …
Susana Almanza

Hell yes, it’s a problem. As thankfully laid down on the record by the Mayor’s task force on the same, …
Amit Motwani

Yes, this is not just a problem, it is THE problem. We are losing an essential part of what makes …
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
City of Austin : City Council, District 5

Yes this is obviously a problem. I believe this is the result of the accumulation of decades of decisions and …
Ann Kitchen
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

This is definitely a problem. When I moved to Austin from Oakland, California, I was surprised at the stark lack …
Rich DePalma

Yes; the rapid loss of African American families from our community is a serious problem, and it will continue to …
Bobby Levinski
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

I absolutely consider this to be a problem. Fair housing is the cornerstone of a diverse community, and to retain …
Danielle Skidmore

Yes. This is a serious problem and a moral imperative. I believe it reflects the city’s failure to both listen …
Kathie Tovo
City of Austin : Mayor

It’s a huge problem and highlights some of the greatest challenges we face as a city. Even as the number …
John Doe

It’s a huge problem and highlights some of the greatest challenges we face as a city. Even as the number …
Steve Adler

Nelson Linder mentioned it’s going up, just shifting areas or some other factors he can address. However, the commonly cited …
Travis Duncan

Austin’s declining number of African American residents represents a huge loss for our community as a whole and one of …