City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Yes, I am in favor of maintaining parkland dedication fees in the next land development code. The fees should be …
Vincent Harding

I support the deployment of this and other mechanisms that maintain current and create future park projects. It is imperative …
Natasha Harper-Madison

I would like to do more research on the fee process and ordinance. From what I understand, there are some …
Mariana Salazar
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

I 100% support parkland dedication fees however, I do not support fee-in-lieu for developments with usable park land. I also …
Jessica Cohen

I fully support these fees. I also believe in maintaining them in any future update to our city’s Land Development …
Justin Jacobson

I support parkland dedication fees. They are absolutely imperative to meeting the needs of or parks system. In any land …
James Valadez
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

I helped pass the current parkland dedication ordinance. It was done by bringing diverse interests together. This was not easy …
Rich DePalma

As stated above, I support maintaining a strong parkland dedication ordinance. In 2015, I supported strengthening the parkland dedication ordinance, …
Bobby Levinski
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

The compromise that was agreed upon in January of 2016 is a result of significant community input and debate, thus …
Danielle Skidmore

I am a strong supporter of our Parkland Dedication Ordinance and believe it a critical strategy for acquiring and improving …
Kathie Tovo
City of Austin : Mayor

I support them and would maintain them. Our community prioritizes parks and I do, too.
John Doe

I support them and would maintain them. Our community prioritizes parks and I do, too.
Steve Adler

Yes, I think we should remain committed to our current mechanisms of funding until we can find more regenerative and …
Travis Duncan

I strongly support fair strong parkland dedication fees and would oppose any effort to weaken or reduce them during the …