City of Austin : City Council, District 1

One of our original campaign goals was to bring 0% unemployment to District 1, we feel a 90% local hiring …
Lewis Conway Jr.

I believe we should always make it a goal for our economic development projects to hire locally. However, there is …
Natasha Harper-Madison

Rating: 2 Candidate Response: I believe we should always make it a goal for our economic development projects to hire locally. …
Natasha Harper-Madison

I am sensitive to the needs of our local workers but I am more concerned with work force development programs …
Reedy Macque Spigner III
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

This is a tough question and one that I’m not sure is feasible. Austin’s unemployment rate is 2.9%. I would …
Jessica Cohen

I can commit to making sure that any economic development project the city pursues has tangible meaningful benefits for our …
Justin Jacobson

Growing up in this great city, we have depended on local business to support Austin’s needs; from sporting events to …
James Valadez
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

Under our current economic climate, I generally do not support using our tax dollars to recruit businesses to Austin. But, …
Bobby Levinski
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

The problem with Samsung and Oracle is that they bring their talent with them. Maybe we don’t have enough hires …
Linda O’Neal

While I believe we must focus on our local workforce development, I think a blanket goal is counterproductive and would be troublesome …
Danielle Skidmore

When I have reviewed economic development projects in the past, I have regarded local hiring as a key criterion. That …
Kathie Tovo
City of Austin : Mayor

I do support the requirement of outside companies who receive incentives to hire local talent. We must also challenge our …
Travis Duncan

In periods of growth, which seems to be the perennial condition of Austin these days, there is no reason to …
Laura Morrison

I believe there are very few projects that warrant financial incentives to move or build in Austin. Our economy is …