City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Multi-family apartment buildings should be allowed in every City Council District in Austin. Since the 1984 code came into effect, …
Vincent Harding

Multifamily apartment building should be built anywhere people need them! Yes, there should be more multifamily apartment buildings in central …
Natasha Harper-Madison

I came to Austin eleven years ago with my husband looking for a city where we could start our lives …
Mariana Salazar

We should increase diverse housing options (e.g., multifamily, assisted living and other supportive housing) for all incomes and abilities with …
Reedy Macque Spigner III
City of Austin : City Council, District 5

There are many types of multifamily apartments and I believe introducing more building types would benefit our city and result …
Ann Kitchen
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

We need multifamily apartment buildings across the city to address our affordable housing crisis. The city has the opportunity to …
Rich DePalma

It’s important for Austin to support multi-family housing in areas that are conducive to walkable communities and that have access …
Paige Ellis

Yes; increased density and infill in central Austin is consistent with the Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map, which is the …
Bobby Levinski
City of Austin : Mayor

I have put forth what I believe should be the solution in our city — the Austin Bargain. The Austin …
John Doe

I have put forth what I believe should be the solution in our city — the Austin Bargain. The Austin …
Steve Adler

Multi-unit housing can be zoned in appropriate locations throughout the city, including in central Austin. To do so effectively, we …