Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Organization Website-
What is your position on strengthening the defined-benefit pension annuities for current and future City of Austin retired employees? Give specific actions you will take.
What is your position on providing increased funding for retiree health care for current and future City of Austin retired employees? Give specific actions you will take.
What is your position on providing a cost of living increase for City of Austin retirees? Give specific actions you will take.
How will you ensure the implementation of the Age-Friendly Austin Action Plan, passed by the Austin City Council on November, 13, 2016?
What will you propose to improve health services for seniors?
What are some ways you will expand City of Austin programs to protect seniors against abuse and fraud?
November 6, 2018, Austin voters have the opportunity to pass a $925 million bond package which includes $250 million for affordable housing. How do you plan to expand and promote the development of diverse housing options that are affordable for seniors of different income levels?
What do you plan to accomplish with the $160 million of the $925 million bond package that is proposed for transportation to assist seniors?
In 2016 Austin voters passed $720 million in transportation bonds of which $137 million was designated for the Local Mobility Program. The Mobility Program areas included sidewalks, safe routes to school, and repair of substandard streets. As an incumbent, what programs did you implement?
What measures will you take to ensure that seniors do not face barriers to exercising their right to vote? If an incumbent, what steps have you taken to remove barriers to seniors’ voting?
What will you do to implement the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2027, which was adopted by the City Council in Oct 2017?