,   League of Women Voters Austin Area

What is your top environmental concern and how would you address it?

City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Austin is subject to flooding and drought. Thus water conservation and impervious cover are my top environmental concerns. Existing watershed …

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Mitrah Elizabeth Avini

Climate change and environmental destruction is a threat to our communities in Austin. While the people at the top create …

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Lewis Conway Jr.

Concerns regarding adequate water supply, water quality, water costs, and prevention of water flooding are very important environmental concerns. Implementing …

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Vincent Harding

We must confront the reality of climate change. As a city, land-use is arguably the most pervasive force driving the …

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Natasha Harper-Madison

Carbon emissions cause catastrophic & extreme weather events, and in Austin, we see the effects of climate change in flash …

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Mariana Salazar

City of Austin : City Council, District 3

Implementation of Peoples Plan on housing, environment & equity; Recommendations of COA Flood Mitigation Task Force; Austin Community Climate Plan …

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Susana Almanza

Carbon emissions and greenhouse gases continue to rise at an alarming rate, and the negative effects of climate change disproportionately …

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Amit Motwani

There are several environmental concerns for Austin that I think should be addressed immediately. 1, The COA should purchase and …

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Jessica Cohen

Water and air quality as well as preserving and expanding our parkland and green spaces are the environmental issues I …

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James Valadez

Climate Change is our number one challenge. It effects the severity of droughts, the maintenance of our water supply, increased …

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Justin Jacobson

Other than addressing air and water pollution that results from traffic congestion and sprawl, my top environmental concern is water …

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Sabino “Pio” Renteria

City of Austin : City Council, District 8

We need to adopt an aggressive 100-yr water plan (Water Forward) with an implementation timetable and goals/metrics that recognize the …

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Bobby Levinski

Proper watershed and stormwater protection measures. Because we are always protecting ourselves from (and preparing ourselves for) the threat of …

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Paige Ellis

My top environmental concerns are water quality, conservation, and stormwater protection. I want to work to address redevelopment in high …

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Rich DePalma

City of Austin : City Council, District 9

Increased flooding has been a prevalent issue in Austin, resulting from climate change. From a policy standpoint, we need to …

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Danielle Skidmore

Climate change is real, causing extreme weather and threatening our water supply. I have led or helped lead on efforts …

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Kathie Tovo

Flooding due to extreme weather is a costly problem. We need to invest in storm drains, but more importantly, we …

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Linda O’Neal

City of Austin : Mayor

Climate change is top concern. Need to act swiftly and decisively, and we have. Signed Paris Accords and committed city …

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John Doe

Climate change is top concern. Need to act swiftly and decisively, and we have. Signed Paris Accords and committed city …

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Steve Adler

We must move more aggressively to accommodate our growth in an environmentally responsible way. Key actions I will take as …

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Laura Morrison

Austin needs to continue to strive for high environmental and energy conversation standards in all new and redevelopment projects. Increases …

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Todd Phelps