City of Austin : City Council, District 1

I do not support any aspects of the land development code (CodeNEXT) in the context in which it’s been introduced. …
Mitrah Elizabeth Avini

CodeNext is not the answer to our problems. I believe that we must make changes in order to have affordability, …
Lewis Conway Jr.

The next code should provide greater density on corridors, missing middle housing behind it, and protect the neighborhoods to prevent …
Vincent Harding

I want to work with old and new neighbors to preserve what makes Austin unique while ensuring our city has …
Natasha Harper-Madison

As an immigrant, I want a see an inclusive city that works for everyone and makes room for families like …
Mariana Salazar
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

Proposition J gives residents a choice to approve or disapprove any plan like CodeNEXT at the ballot. Refocus on the …
Susana Almanza

I support the dissolution of the CodeNext process for exactly the reasons our mayor identified and am keen on participating …
Amit Motwani

The most important type of change I think we should see implemented into our land development code is introducing transects …
Jessica Cohen

As a community we need to learn from this process: What went wrong? What went right? The neighborhood plans being …
James Valadez

I want to see code that allows for building diverse missing middle housing stock, decreased parking space requirements, respect of …
Justin Jacobson

I support creating a more equitable land development code that addresses the major problems with our current code including traffic …
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

I was an outspoken critic of CodeNEXT (the land development code revision) as a process. We spent 6 years and …
Bobby Levinski

As we work to update the 1984 land development code, we need to allow for density along transit corridors and …
Paige Ellis

The next land development code revision must reflect the vision of Imagine Austin. I support 1) providing clarity on land …
Rich DePalma
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

For us to improve affordability and reduce congestion in Austin, we need to make more room for people throughout the …
Danielle Skidmore

CodeNEXT fell short by not reflecting community feedback or many aspects of our Council-adopted neighborhood plans. Any future efforts must …
Kathie Tovo

We need to make room for our new residents, but we need to regulate growth so that that the health …
Linda O’Neal
City of Austin : Mayor

More housing, especially affordable housing, in commercial centers and along transit corridors. Better water quality and flood mitigation infrastructure and …
John Doe

More housing, especially affordable housing, in commercial centers and along transit corridors. Better water quality and flood mitigation infrastructure and …
Steve Adler

In general, I support an effort to accommodate growth with appropriate development and to strengthen city affordability programs, although CodeNext …
Laura Morrison

Neighborhood input to determine how to preserve the character of neighborhoods, parks and green spaces while increasing density where practicable. …