City of Austin : City Council, District 1

Affordability in District 1 has to be defined through the lens of access to resources and opportunity. Peering through that …
Lewis Conway Jr.

Affordability is nuanced. Housing, shelter, health care, food, and the ability to get around are some of the basic things …
Vincent Harding

When Austin residents are able to achieve their goals, meet basic needs (shelter, food, healthcare, education, transportation) and thrive, that …
Natasha Harper-Madison

Housing is generally thought as affordable or unaffordable depending on one’s income. Generally speaking, housing is considered affordable if one …
Mariana Salazar

I define affordability as communities with various housing, shopping, recreation, and transportation options for everyone.
Reedy Macque Spigner III
City of Austin : City Council, District 3

Affordability should encompass the total costs for housing, transportation and quality of life factors including proximity to one’s work, school, …
Justin Jacobson

Affordability is the extent to which cost of living is sustainable for a household, as measured by its cost relative …
Amit Motwani

Affordability to me means that every family in our community should have access to affordable housing, reliable transportation, economic opportunity, …
Sabino “Pio” Renteria
City of Austin : City Council, District 8

Besides housing costs, affordability means access to healthcare, food, utilities, childcare options, education, and employment opportunities for all. Additionally, I …
Rich DePalma

Affordability is a very broad term. Generally, I use it to describe lowering the costs of living for all residents–homeowners …
Bobby Levinski

Countless individuals and families are finding it more and more difficult to afford to live here in Austin—this is largely …
Frank Ward III
City of Austin : City Council, District 9

Affordability can mean two things: big-A Affordability to support our residents with highest needs in terms of housing provision and …
Danielle Skidmore

To me, affordability refers to the ability of residents of all means and backgrounds to live and thrive in our …
Kathie Tovo
City of Austin : Mayor

Affordability is the ability to reasonably make ends meet in our community. The city can help in two ways: either …
John Doe

Affordability is the ability to reasonably make ends meet in our community. The city can help in two ways: either …
Steve Adler

Affordability is living Rent-Free, Utility-Bill-Free, Tax-Free, with abundant access to the highest quality Water, Food, Housing, Transportation, Education, Energy and …
Travis Duncan

I support the federal definition of affordability that states a household should spend no more than 30% of its income …
Laura Morrison

In an ideal sense affordability means that there would be a wide range of housing options in Austin whether one …