Democratic Socialists of America
Organization Website-
In February, Austin became the first city in the south to guarantee its workers paid sick days. What are the next changes you would push for to further expand the rights of the working class?
What steps would you take if elected to protect undocumented residents by directing our local police to not cooperate with ICE in raids, access to public schools, courthouses or other public buildings to the extent possible by law? Also would you commit to vote against measures to promote any form of cooperation with ICE such as 287g?
Austin is one of the worst cities in the nation in terms of police accountability and violence against residents. What will you do on City Council to fight against the police state in which we currently live?
Should Austin city council pass a resolution in favor of state-level single payer (the Healthy Texas Act)?
How can the city support affordable, safe, and convenient childcare options?
What will you do to affirmatively further fair housing in Austin? By that we mean how will you actively desegregate the city — economically and racially — so that every resident can seek opportunity and not be held back by a system which has pulled up the ladder of opportunity.
Austin DSA has come out in favor of a $300 Million Affordable Housing bond to help combat displacement- do you support this bond proposal? Additionally, what other measures would you take as a council member to help promote affordability and housing Access?
What would you propose to ensure all children receive a quality early childhood education and all early childhood educators receive a living wage with benefits?
Please characterize your support for an ambitious plan to reduce cost of living and allow residents more freedom to live in the neighborhood of their choice, through allowing a variety of home types in all neighborhoods (particularly west and central Austin) and eliminating residential occupancy limits which stigmatize and harass the poor. Please characterize your support for an ambitious plan for 2020 bond issue for light rail, to increase access for those who cannot afford to maintain a car.
What is your strategy to end cash bail in Austin?