My ultimate goal is free public transit for everyone. However, it’s likely we will adapt in phases, in which case I would aim to make all public transit FREE for all seniors, ASAP. As well as any other in-need groups like students, refugees, formerly incarcerated, or anyone else who needs a leg up.
The reality here is that using gasoline buses is a problem due to their inefficiency and inherent cost, in obvious addition to our most desperate need for an urban train system, and zero-emission smart carpool pods. Our vision for transportation also aims for immediate and accelerated benefit for all people ASAP, while employing cooperative incentive models to more quickly make crucial progress, and to open-source the innovative engineering solutions to make travelling in our city zero-deaths, constant flow, no traffic, and maximum safety for all. This is very possible within the next 10 years, and it all depends on how committed we are to principles of “if it isn’t good for all, it’s no good at all”, the Ubuntu-consciousness, the interconnected way of life. This is where we will find the unified solutions.
Again, this is the people’s money. Our plan for Radical Awakening in Civic Engagement will dramatically increase community power and equitable representation of collective and individual sovereign interests. All people are important, so you will see maximum people-engagement in all my service.
Mobility, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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