a. Nutrition – Education starts with the physiological ability to learn. Such foundations are lacking in our current system. We must ensure that ALL children have organic food and vital water. These are the two most basic nutritional necessities, and the primary reasons why we congregate in societies. We must get back to the basics, and do them the right way. We should build new systems that make water and food free, not because they are centralized and paid for, but through actually make them free by design. There is a cooperate method for accomplishing this.
b. Nature as a Teacher, Self as the Educator – Early Childhood should be defined by
very little time spent in front of a desk, learning institutionalized information. 95% of the time spent for children ages 7 and under should be focused on deep connection with Earth, time understanding and learning about nature and living systems, learning how plants grow and how animals interact, and frankly, just playing and being creative. We must also be very intentional about not forcing assumptive patterns of behavior on young children, as this can only cause perpetuation of negative, pessimistic, and self- destructive patterns. Another way to look at this: most people in our society suffer from mental illness and addiction, let’s be very smart about dealing with this from the root cause: early childhood. These are the molding years, so it truly will take the full village to get this right. Another angle to this: The more questions we ask, and the fewer we answer, the better. It is beneficial for young children to be asked questions, to be encouraged and given ample space to ask questions and experiment, and allow them to discover answers on their own, and simply guide them along the process, while caring for their physical safety and wellbeing. We should not create a curriculum for any child, we should provide an environment for them to create their own, within the reasonable and healthy boundaries of individual sovereignty and respect for life.
c. New Foundational Information. Incorrect Science leads to Sick Society. – After age
7(ish), we advance our children toward traditional academics. We must revise this system to correct our major mistakes (our current text books are incomplete and dangerously misleading). It is our duty to ensure we are teaching our children the most up-to-date knowledge, in combination with all contexts and perspectives. The important thing is to raise the standards, challenge all in healthy and productive ways, expose all to the purest truths, offer full-range-diversity of subjects, and always find ways to strengthen the cooperative spirit between peers. Emotional intelligence is central toward a healthy future, and cooperative system of project based learning will provide the best educational outcomes for our youth.
d. Fluid and Adaptive – We must not develop long-term policy habits or curriculum
implementation methods, as to avoid unintended negative consequences for anyone. We must remain constantly available to shift our behaviors to meet the best possible outcomes for each individual within the system. No person can be deeply served by a generalized system, and therefore the system must be fluid to meet any need of the individual at all times. There is no one-size-fits-all for learning. We should be fully willing and prepared to make adjustments at any time, so long as those adjustments are to aid the education and betterment of the individuals involved, and do not impede on anyone else’s educational betterment.
e. For ALL, not later, NOW. – We don’t need delayed rollouts and endless case studies,
the information and systems are available NOW. We already know what works, we’ve just allowed ourselves to be fooled into thinking funding is the problem blocking us from actualization. We are the problem. We need to wake up and take responsibility for our duty as a city, and it starts with the urgency of recognizing there are children in the classroom right now who need us, right NOW.
f. Children are the future, and the present – Children are a reflection of our tribe. If we
have gripes about our youth, it’s a gripe about ourselves. They are the central innovative and progressive ingredient in our society, yet we treat them like half-citizens, like partial- humans. They don’t have the right for self-determination, the right to vote, and our media culture shames youth as devoid of wisdom, authority, or intuition (nothing could be farther from the truth). It’s time for a Youth Council, it’s time to give them the right to vote, and pay them the respect they deserve. Imagine what a generation treated with respect will accomplish. Imagine what children can accomplish TODAY! We could have the next great physics breakthrough from a 9 year old, or the most effective city-rail design as imagined by a 13 year old. Let’s not limit our potential by hindering our children.
g. New Schools if Necessary – We cannot allow the state, the county, or the school board hold our children hostage and kill their souls. We will always seek to cooperate, but if the school districts do not move urgently enough to care for our children, we must take bold action in whatever way needed to ensure the maximum outcome for our youth. We can hold a peoples process to assert authority over educational rights. This is not to pick a fight, simply declare our intention and seriousness in liberating our children.
h. Higher Standards, Maximum Benefits – Educators, like other public leaders, are
essential for a healthy society. We need to re-educate the educators, investing in their skills and talents constantly being updated and advanced, so they are truly the master- teachers for our youth. Teachers need plenty of paid time off for certifications, workshops, masterclasses, spiritual retreats, and international awareness practices. They need maximum health care, respectable salaries, and other incentives, such as free electricity and property tax exemptions. Frankly, becoming a teacher in the Austin school system should be the most difficult job to get, to most fulfilling job to work, and the most respected position in our tribe. How we get there is obviously a cultural choice for the people of Austin, and it’s time to make those determinations.
Economic Opportunity, Education, Social Equity, Democratic Socialists of America
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