The WIFI will help – Who knows, the next Facebook could be written created by a 9 year old genius, who without the internet access, would have never otherwise learned to code. This rises in alignment with our whole-system approach in maximizing the potential of ALL people in Austin, so we can become the most abundant, happiest, and innovative city on Earth.
Austin Cooperative Business Alliance
Less cost of living equals more entrepreneurs and innovations – We will be able to quickly create an environment where innovative and cooperative business becomes the profit-sharing fuel that ignites our city. The tech innovations are among the most likely to generate the fastest and largest revenues for the peoples fund and equity profit sharing. For example, our network could create social media platforms that honor privacy and people’s sovereign data, built in with advanced empathy algorithms and empowering monetizing structures to spread the abundance and liberation across the world; we will create the framework for AustinBNB; we will design a city AI asst. and possibly license that to other cities; there are limitless opportunities for us to invest in our peoples cooperative creations.