I believe that we need to explore as many opportunities to collaborate with other governmental entities as possible. Currently, the City operates a number of services jointly with other governmental entities and has representation on a number of intergovernmental bodies, and this experience may provide a blueprint for future collaboration in other areas. As a Council Member, I have coordinated with stakeholders from other governmental entities and from the private sector on many different initiatives, including my successful effort to help finally open the Sobering Center in partnership with Travis County and the private sector, and I now represent the City Council on that local government corporation. I also serve on the Joint Subcommittee of AISD/Travis County/City of Austin and previously served on the Community Advancement Network, which includes representatives of government bodies as well as members from the private and nonprofit sector. Going forward, I intend to continue these types of efforts, especially through the Project Connect effort to bring mass transit solutions, such as urban rail, to the Central Texas region.
Open Government, Austin Chamber of Commerce
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