I have a lot of DACA students who live in fear of their parents being deported. Thankfully, in education, AISD and DVISD have been very supportive of protecting our students from the hateful sentiment that they see on the news. I would maintain our status as a sanctuary city, even if it means that the state and federal governments withhold funds. I believe that this is an issue where ideology matters. I would maintain that APD refrain from asking for papers and I would do a community outreach to our immigrant families about their protections if they are victims of a crime. I would also provide posters and leaflets informing families about their rights if ICE knocks on their doors. Most importantly I would do this without antagonizing the Republicans, because when we do, we become targets. Let’s get off the stump, let’s stop pounding our chests, and let’s quietly get the work done.
Criminal Justice, Diversity & Inclusion, Immigration, Global Shapers Community
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