There are many reasons, largely including that the Democratic party stood (and continues to stand) up for civil rights, health care, Social Security, unions, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights; we are the party of science, education, and progress, including a progressive and equitable tax system, the party that supports a thriving middle class, a living wage, and we are the party of Barack–and Michelle–Obama, and the values of the all the pioneering predecessors who precede them. What’s often most telling for me is that when I was a child with innocent and unsophisticated (I might also say intrinsic and pure) sense of morality, Democratic values reflected unquestionably the summation of all moral teachings that had been imparted to me. But even outside the paramount moral framework of equity and fairness for all in the name of common good, the pragmatic implications of Democratic governance can’t be ignored. Democratic governance is nearly always associated with periods of relative peace, prosperity, and resulting fiscal prudence as compared to periods of Republican rule.