One of the best ways to make Austin more affordable is to ensure we have a diverse set of industries which provide local, skilled and the hard-to-employ talent the opportunity to compete for jobs that have a career ladder. The Austin City Council is considering adopting a revised economic incentive policy, expanding the previous one-size-fits-all policy. If the Austin Chamber of Commerce presents a company that meets the criteria for an incentive as set by City Council policy, will you vote to support incentivizing jobs for both small operators and large in our city? How will you monitor success with the provision requiring employment of the hard-to-employ?

Amit Motwani

City Council, District 3

Yes. I will monitor success as measured against milestones developed in the County’s Workforce Master Plan with frequent cross reference to the far more nimbly generated numbers around labor supply and demand that the chamber produces (incentives should be resilient around the same).