The city needs to work with Cap Metro to expand the bus rapid transit lines, the rapid bus lanes, and to extend the Metro Rail out to the airport. The city needs faster East-West transportation corridors. The city has grown to the size that it needs a real loop. While the loop is being built, bus rapid transit lanes shared with HOV lanes can be integrated into the new design. Collaboration with surrounding cities would ensure that they could be included as part of the bus rapid transit program since many of Austin’s workforce has to travel from outside the city. Higher density pedestrian corridors could aid in traffic reduction especially downtown and on the drag. We could save a lot of money not deploying APD if sixth street were automatically closed off by hydraulic road barriers instead of carting out temporary barricades every Thursday through Saturday night. That money could then be used for a center non pedestrian bike and scooter lane to be used during those street closure hours and to expand the mobility lanes on Guadalupe by UT and downtown.
Mobility, Austin Tech Alliance
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