Prop A
Prop B
Prop C
Prop E
Prop F
Prop G
Prop H
Prop I
Prop A
Yes. $250 million for affordable housing is a critical and important investment in our communities. This will allow the city to make real investments in current and long-term affordability. Based on the previous bond leverage ratio, this bond when leveraged will result in more than 1 billion dollars in low income and affordable housing. It is imperative for government to help address the affordability crises. Prop B- Yes. I believe the $128 million for libraries and cultural centers is another important investment in our city. The first District 1 debate was held at the Asian American Cultural Center, which is a beautiful example of the things the city will do this with this proposal. Our libraries have been praised around the world, and we need to continue to make sure our libraries and cultural centers are accessible, represent our communities, and serve our residents. Prop C. Yes. Austin needs to continue to invest in our parks and recreation. This City’s green space is an important part of our city culture, and I will support increased investments into parks and recreation. Prop D. Yes. Austin has been the victim of serious flash floods, and as climate change continues, the problems will continue to get worse. We need to prepare for the future, and this bond will play an important part in that. Prop E. Yes. An investment into the health of our communities, especially an underserved community like Dove Spring, is crucial. As council member, I would continue support investment into our underserved communities, and the health center that will be funded by this proposition is an important part of that. We most increase access to health care. Prop F. Yes. I want to support our Fire and EMS personnel and give them the support they need to help protect lives. With a growing city, we must seek to manage growth in a smart way and Prop G. Yes. In addition to expanding our infrastructure, we need to ensure that our current infrastructure is maintained and maximized for the benefit of multiple transportation modes. Repairing streets and bridges, and making sure our sidewalks are usable and accessible is important. We must also protect against flooding. Prop H. Yes. The City should clarify our qualifications, terms, and removal process for the Planning Commission. Prop I. Yes. Making sure our city’s charter is grammatically correct and less cumbersome is important.