The best accountability measure is the community itself. The more we expand cooperative programs,
the stronger our cultural awareness will become, and there less conflict will occur. As we progress, we
must be certain to build and maintain a strong system where anyone can issue Private Sector, CoA,
county or state complaints and/or feedback to an independent review council comprised of an
expanded neighborhood board. Full justice for the maximum quality of life for all people must be in our
foundational principles. Everyone deserves to be treated with absolute respect!
Hybridize and Evolve Our Learning – It’s imperative we utilize the latest innovations in Decentralized
Consensus Technologies, such as blockchain/Holochain, rank-choice voting, liquid democracy, and open
source solutions exchanges. These technologies will help us implement programs more effectively and be more truly representative of the community in a maximum way, especially when we equitize and de-commodify access to the internet, along with a Radical Awakening in Civic Engagement. Ultimately this will give us more transparency, faster resolutions to any dissonance, and overall more effective cooperation.
Cultural Exchange Parties – Austin needs a people’s festival. Like our own version of Carnival, but it’s a
multi-cultural, future-city, new-paradigm, truly blended Austin style. The objective is to empower all the cultural diversity to be showcased with utmost respect and dignity, and to truly become a city of high-functioning international consciousness. The details can be creatively and excitedly discovered through our new community decisions and agreements methodologies.
History & Healing Circles – Along with the celebration of our international roots, we must formally
acknowledge the sordid legacy about the history of the land we stand on. This region was abundantly
populated for thousands of years, by many different bands of advanced peoples. There is a tradition and
a relationship to these waters and soil that we have unfortunately not acknowledged. A genocide has
taken place on this continent, and indigenous traditions were attacked. Our state championed wars over
this territory and held human beings as property, in slavery and violation of sacred life. Many of the
colonial frameworks from this horrible time in our history remain present in the underbelly, the
subconscious layers of our society. We must address this with an open heart, full compassion, maximum
potentiality for forgiveness, and a willingness to heal the wounds of our system in a way that brings us together. I support a formal process by which the city of Austin recognizes our past and present faults,
so we can truly make better choices in the present and future.