As the former executive director of Central Texas’ Health Information exchange (Integrated Care Collaboration), I understand how best use of technology solutions can improve how we do business and deliver services.
I sponsored the Smart Mobility Roadmap passed by City Council and Cap Metro and helped initiate city funding for a new position – Assistant Director, Smart Mobility, a management level person in the transportation department to oversee new technology solutions related to mobility. The City of Austin and Capital Metro’s Smart Mobility Roadmap encompasses planning for five key areas:
- Shared-Use Mobility
- Electric Vehicles and Infrastructure
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Data and Technology, and
- Land Use and Infrastructure
I also sponsored the resolution to create a Smart Cities Roadmap for Austin, to include an inventory of initiatives to use technology to help improve city services and the core needs, gaps, and capabilities required to deliver on the Roadmap. The Smart Cities Roadmap is under development and I will continue to work with city staff and the community to complete and implement Roadmap recommendations. The City’s newly adopted Strategic Plan includes the goal of Government That Works For All, which identifies infrastructure and effective adoption of technology as a key strategy.