How can we maximize transit ridership and decrease reliance on cars?

Paige Ellis

City Council, District 8


Wayfinding visibility needs to be taken further in Austin. For instance, Metro Rapid has awnings and red, bold signage. But when you look at many other options, they are tiny little signs that might even be hidden by trees. People are more likely to utilize transit options if they are made aware of them!

It is also important to extend the hours of service. I have personally tried to take the metro, but to do so had to drive to the convention center, hop on the metro – mind you this was to go to an environmental happy hour at Black Star Co-Op – only to find that the rail stopped running at 6:00pm! This left me stranded and having to find a ride home. We cannot expect people to ride mass transit if the hours of service are not reasonable. Another way we can diversify our transit options is a) explore park-and-ride lots to take busses and shuttles (these types of lots are common in cities such as San Antonio and Washington, DC) and b) bike lanes and c) something as basic as complete sidewalks.